Indoor Air Quality
Do you know what’s in the air you’re breathing? It’s worth knowing – your health depends on it. These days, most of us are living, working, schooling and sleeping indoors, and what we don’t know about what we’re breathing CAN hurt us. Allergies, fatigue, asthma, headaches, dizziness, respiratory irritations and a host of other maladies can all be linked to common pollutants in our indoor environments.
Indoor pollutants contribute to a decreased quality of life, and sometimes, lead to lifetime diseases. It makes sense to ensure better air quality for all the people in your life, especially for the young children, elderly and immune-compromised.
By mitigating the source of pollutants – like Mold Spores, Pollen, VOCs, Bacteria, Carbon Dioxide, Dust, Pet Dander, Viruses, Car Exhaust, Soot, Tobacco Smoke and more – in your living and working environments, you are taking a big step for healthier lives. It all starts with a simple air quality test. Our comprehensive reports will tell you what kind of pollutants you have and how to identify the source. Habitec can get you started down the road to improved living. Call for your appointment today.
In addition, here are some proactive steps to improve your air quality
- Change your HVAC and other air filters regularly
- Ensure the gas jets on your stove are maintained correctly – (leave the call the gas company immediately
if you smell a natural gas leak) - Use air fresheners sparingly
- Do not smoke indoors
- Do not use harsh cleaners or refinishing products indoors
- Maintain proper humidity levels
- Pay attention to new home furnishings, including carpets, mattress covers, press-board products, or
those treated with formaldehyde - Grow living plants indoors